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|| Name || Ebony
|| Age ||  Forty Moons
|| Gender || Female
|| Sexuality || Heterosexual

Clan Information
|| Clan || Dusk Syndicate
|| Rank || Fighter
|| Mentor || None
|| Apprentice || None

|| Mother || Unknown
|| Father || Unknown
|| Siblings || Hannibal, Akila, Mischa, Harley
|| Mate || None
|| Kits || None

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|| Personality ||  She is and isn't her brother in a variety of ways. They share a traumatic experience which haunts and affects them in a variety of ways. She was shocked that he had murdered their parents, though she wasn't one to voice her complaint. She'd always been fairly reserved though the experience had sent her into a period of silence. She wasn't against what had happened, though she didn't think it was right of him either. Ebony doesn't blame her brother as she is aware of his illness, but she always regrets not having done something when she watched the murder go down from under the safety of a tangle of brambles. This moment of coward doesn't bring her down, however, it only drives her to be more fierce and confident in her actions. She has no care about Hannibal's illness, nor his killings, so long as they don't affect anyone who she cares for. Which at the moment is easy as she cares for no cat. Ebony is very reserved so she isn't open to other cats, she doesn't want to let herself get hurt again nor betrayed. She has many hidden fears and worries from traumatic experiences, but she doesn't make them obvious to anyone. If any cat were to think her weak she would personally see that their opinion was changed. To outsiders Ebony appears as confident and carries an air of mystery. She doesn't enjoy socialization so she had no friends, she keeps to herself and performs the necessary duties of a fighter in the syndicate. On the outside she is boastful, sharp-tongued, confident and fierce. Though if one were to be able to chip through her titanium-shelled heart they would be surprised at the cat that lied beneath.


|| Appearance || Ebony is a slender black cat, not nearly as large as her brother, but not on the small side either. Her legs are slender and long and support her always perfectly groomed body. There is not a hint of anything save black on her pelt; though in the sunlight her ebony coat does reflect red hues. Her fur is medium in length, as it grows out a little on her belly, sides, legs and tail. Her eyes are the most peculiar thing about the very plain cat: the right is an olive tone while the other is an icy blue. She has not sustained any major scars of mars, nor is she a polydactyl feline.
|| Appearance Reference ||

|| Scars || None
|| Current State || Normal

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